I wish that I could find a place…

Vietnam Veterans poem: I wish that I could find a place…where I could heal and regain faith in myself, and again feel the joy and happiness that I so long ago lost – displaced by despair and hopelessness.where I am accepted without judgment, and where I am loved for who I am.A place where forgiveness reigns…where the future will become clearer and brighter…and filled with hope.

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Making good choices tele class

Your participation in the tele class will enable more free EFT sessions for Veterans. Please join us for a fun and effective tele class: "Making good choices with EFT." Sunday, December 6th 2009 6:00-7:30pm EST. Cost: $20.-. Sign up on www.EFT4Vets.com. You will be emailed the phone number and pass code for the conference call.…

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Thank You!

Greetings! Thank  You! Thank You!! Thank You !!! Bob’s fundraiser has been a wonderful success! We were able to help him significantly, and I am just humbled, delighted and forever grateful to be honored to be allowed to call you my friends. I want to share with you that I talked to Bob last night…

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EFT for Vets

EFT for Vets is a successful program to help Veterans and their families heal the trauma of war. EFT for Veterans does not judge, condone, or excuse what happened in the past. EFT for Vets helps heal it. The gentle tapping on designated release points (acupoints) on the face and upper body has shown to…

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Why EFT4Vets is for all Veterans and their families

EFT4Vets doesn’t judge, doesn’t condone and doesn’t excuse what happens or happened, it helps HEAL what happened. In a surprisingle simple and effective way, we honor the memories, thoughts and feelings, as well as their physical manifestation, and releasing the response by tapping on 8 designated release points on the physical body.

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"Somehow the colors seem different now…"

“Somehow the colors are different now”. This is how some Veterans try to explain how their perception of life has changed after deployment. Learning to understand and respect each others views and colors is challenging and requires trust and determination from partners.

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When does a warrior deserve healing?

EFT4Vets stands for helping ALL Veterans and their families, regardless of a diagnosis or known, severe trauma. EFT is a coaching tool that can be easily learned by anybody, even children. If a soldier needs mental health services, EFT doesn’t have to be stopped, as it does not contradict the support someone might get from the VA. On the contrary, EFT can be self applied and Soldiers can help each other, as well as families work with it together.

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Healing without Excuses

When working with unforgivable trauma and despair, I find it important to not offer excuses for what happened. In my experience, Veterans don’t want to hear that there is something good about a kid that died in a cross fire, about the accidental death of civilians, or anybody, for that matter. Instead, we use EFT to find peace with what happened. Having released the trauma and overwhelm allows the Veterans to take charge in a new and powerful way.

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