A Good Start For Tapping On Grief Part 3 – EFT for Sandy Hooks, Newtown, CT

Yes, I love reframing in EFT, but when we just start with someone who is going through unspeakable amounts of grief, it can feel intrusive to the client.
Where can one begin, when the grief is so overwhelming that there is no solution, to “positive outcome”?
When a family looses a child, it is hard to find meaning and a “higher purpose”.
Trying to see the good in the bad can be very premature and feel violent to the victim of such grief.
I recommend to begin the tapping process by simply working with the physical symptoms: the pain, tension, knots, tightness that always shows up when we are in stress. Addressing them with skill and insight can bring much relief without forcing the client to have to talk about their story or feelings when everything is still so new and overwhelming. Please click on the “read more” button to learn more about this…

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Video – How to lose weight with EFT Tapping

You can do it: With the right mindset, a solid enjoyment for your upcoming success, and a curious mind of what the journey will be like, you can reach your goals with grace and ease.

Here is a tapping script that I used extensively when I began my journey to losing weight a few months ago. Please tap along and let me know your story and successes!

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Free Tapping Script: EFT For Fear Of Facing The Truth

Facing the truth about a situation can be overwhelming and is not always easy.
But being able releasing the fear of facing the truth is an important step to a successful life.
Facing the truth gives us options to decide what we want to do, how we want to take charge and how we want to continue to live our life.
Take a breath. Then take a heart, click on the “Read More” button and tap along with the powerful, free EFT Tapping script on the next page!

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Coaching for Coaches: Your business will grow when you take action!

I know how challenging it is to take continuous action.

Therefore, I have created an EFT tapping script and audio for you that can help you get motivated and take focused and intentional action every day.

To download my EFT for taking action Tapping script and audio, please go to:


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