Free EFT Tapping Script: EFT For Fear Of Failure

Do you know this fear that creeps up just when you feel you are prepared for your next project or milestone? This fear that comes from a consistent inner voice, warning you that you might fail? Having this fear is so frustrating and in the end useless roadblock. It stops you from even trying, from…

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Free EFT Tapping Script For Making Plans Easily

Making plans means taking your dreams seriously. It means honoring and acknowledging that you can indeed achieve what you want, even if you don’t know how you are going to do it yet.
If you struggle with this, please click on the read me button and follow along with a powerful and effective EFT Tapping Script!

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Free EFT Tapping Script: EFT to Help You Build Your Successful Business

Do you feel overwhelmed with the daily tasks of building a business?
Do you feel like you just can’t do it, it’s too much?
Is there too much to learn, understand and implement?
And do you feel stuck and lose hope as a result?
Here is a free EFT Tapping Script that can help you get unstuck and take the next logical steps to success.

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Free Tapping Script: EFT for Finding New Clients

Are you afraid that there are no clients out there who can pay you what you are worth?
Many of my business coaching clients, who are mostly solopreneurs in the coaching and healing field feel challenged with this idea.
Especially in the beginning, they find it hard to imagine that, when they narrow their niche, raise their fees and change their offers, they will still do good in the world.
Please click on the Read more button below, to get an effective Tapping Script that addresses this issue

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Coaching for Coaches: Your business will grow when you take action!

I know how challenging it is to take continuous action.

Therefore, I have created an EFT tapping script and audio for you that can help you get motivated and take focused and intentional action every day.

To download my EFT for taking action Tapping script and audio, please go to:

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Free EFT Tapping Script: EFT for Taking Action

Taking continuous action is one of the most important skills that separates successful people from not so successful folks. If you have to fight with yourself every day about what action to take, if you feel resistance about doing something new and creative, something kind and focused that can help you move forward with your business and your life, the following tapping script is for you.

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