Motivational Toughts
EFT for Sandy Hook – Newtown CT Victims
It is with so much sadness that I am writing this post.
As the mother of a beautiful 12 year old, I cannot even imagine what the families and community of the children and teachers of Sandy Hook are going through right now.
I am so sorry, and just want to extend my condolences to all who are touched by this unspeakable drama and tragedy.
I have received requests from EFTers who just want to help, and I’d like to share a few thoughts on how we can do this tactfully and effectively.
In a situation like this, it is very hard to come from a place of healing.
Even though EFT does magic, healing and “letting go” is not the call of the minute.
Right now, the families are in a state of shock, and need acknowledgment.
Acknowledgment comes before healing.
We can help in a deeply acknowledging way with EFT.
How To End Procrastination By Keeping Agreements With Ourselves
Low self esteem and procrastination are an immediate result of breaking agreements with ourselves and others. When we don’t do what we said we would do, we loose trust and faith in ourselves. We loose the connection with feeling safe in expecting what we want. We loose trust in ourselves and our integrity. Before making new plans for our life, our business, our relationships, health, weight, it is important to revisit any agreements we have ever made and finish them:
Either do what we said we would do, or simply apologizing, cutting our losses and letting them go.
Regaining trust into our own integrity by keeping our agreements is the most important first step to being successful in all areas of our lives.
Please click on the “Read more” button below to learn more about this.
Read MoreFree Tapping Script: Healing the resentment about "I never get what I want!"
Sometimes, energies seem to be so strong that they are visible everywhere around us. It seems like they are right in our face, people talk about it on the streets, the TV is full of them, and even our immediate environment seems to radiate them in ways that that are new.
The energies that I am observing as of late are great anger and resentment, paired with the feeling :
“I never get to have what I want.” Do you know what I mean?
This nagging feeling that the world is against us, that we are overlooked, nobody cares about us, that we have to fight for our rights?
Please click on the read more button for a free tapping script that addresses some of the feelings about this. And don’t forget to leave a comment. Thanks!
Read MoreFree Tapping Script: EFT For Fear Of Facing The Truth
Facing the truth about a situation can be overwhelming and is not always easy.
But being able releasing the fear of facing the truth is an important step to a successful life.
Facing the truth gives us options to decide what we want to do, how we want to take charge and how we want to continue to live our life.
Take a breath. Then take a heart, click on the “Read More” button and tap along with the powerful, free EFT Tapping script on the next page!
Free EFT Tapping Script For Making Plans Easily
Making plans means taking your dreams seriously. It means honoring and acknowledging that you can indeed achieve what you want, even if you don’t know how you are going to do it yet.
If you struggle with this, please click on the read me button and follow along with a powerful and effective EFT Tapping Script!
Small Business Planning for Coaches: Do You Know Your Colleagues?
Not the effectiveness of your tool or service is what will help you fill your practice, but the decision of your potential clients to work with you.
Therefore it is important that you know who else serves people in your niche.
What do they do and offer?
Where are their limits? (And where are yours?)
How much do they charge?
How many visits, consultations, products do they need or suggest to bring the desired result?
Do they work over the phone?
Where are they better, more effective, more accessible, cheaper than you?
How do they market their business?
You want to position yourself wisely, so that you can build your business, and allow for your client to get the best service you are capable of, without having to struggle, because there are too many people offering what you do. Please read on!
Business Plan for Small Business Owners: Mindset for Budget
Your budget is extremely important, as it will determine if your business is successful.
Please don’t make the mistake that many transformational entrepreneurs make and say to yourself that you don’t need much.
Would you give me permission, for a moment, to give you an unfiltered “rant”?
Thank you. Here we go:
Read MoreBeyond New Years Resolutions: How To Create A Successful Business- And Life Plan For 2012
In this first of 7 posts to help you create a plan for 2012, we talk about creating a great, desirable vision for 2012. What do you want for your life? What do you want for your business? Read this post and start writing and creating the transformational business and life you always dreamed of.
Read MoreLove Sales and Marketing? This man did not! Read more about the consequences
Read this fun story about how a passionate farmer with a great and unique concept is missing just one important piece to truly serve his community and the customer who is ready to buy.
Contact Ingrid for a free, 20 minute consultation!
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