Veterans deserving support and healing

Many Veterans believe that they were “one of  the lucky ones”, and that help and support should only go to those who have “really suffered”. But the exposure to war changes everybody, and accepting help and support in coping with this is neccessary and important.

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Judging vs. Healing

When we judge, we compare something new with something old, something that has the potential to teach us new and exciting lessons, with something we already know or have experienced in the past. Naturally, this is hardly fair. Honoring each other for our lives, our stories, our successes and our trauma is most likely one of the most healing things we can ever do for each other.

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Why EFT4Vets is for all Veterans and their families

EFT4Vets doesn’t judge, doesn’t condone and doesn’t excuse what happens or happened, it helps HEAL what happened. In a surprisingle simple and effective way, we honor the memories, thoughts and feelings, as well as their physical manifestation, and releasing the response by tapping on 8 designated release points on the physical body.

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