EFT Tapping to improve concentration

Do you need to improve concentration? Do you feel uncomfortable and boxed in thinking about doing only one thing at a time? Here is an EFT tapping concentration exercise that might help you finish what you started.

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This is why I got started to learn about EFT

“Why should something that hurt me a very long time ago, and within a split second, take so much time, so many years of talking and thinking to get rid of?” What is it that actually hurts, if not the thought itself? “talking it out” can help cope with a problem, but it often does not release the emotional charge of it. And bringing up the feelings usually – well – brings them back up – and there they are…almost unchanged, as if the pain had just happened. EFT Tapping has been the most transformational tool I have ever come across, and I have since moved on to passionately teach it to others, including Veterans and their families, who suffer from war trauma.

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Why EFT Tapping for Overwhelm?

EFT Tapping works wonders with overwhelm. In my coaching practice, I have yet to see a client, who does not feel overwhelmed in one way or another. It is truly astounding how much of our daily quality of life is invested in the feeling that everything is “too much”.

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Veterans healing from betrayal and anger

Many Veterans have a deeply ingrained feeling of betrayal and anger about it. As a healing practitioner, it is important that we honor and acknowledge this experience and feeling. Betrayal has many faces, but no matter what someone has experienced, he or she will most likely feel anger and rage about it. When a Veteran begins to talk about feeling betrayed, it is important not to judge, but to listen with compassion and confirm the betrayal.

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Testimonial from Jim, a disabeled Veteran

Testimonial from Jim, a disabeled Veteran. Thank You very much for the session we had this evening. To say it was enlightening would be an understatement. So many traumas in my life were hit on, I am amazed. and I have the ability to see them from a different point of view, a different acceptance level.

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EFT…a miracle for Veterans? A Testimonial from a Vietnam Veteran

After 40 years of suffering from guilt and a feeling of inadequacy, I finally realized that my “job” as am medic with my first patient in Vietnam who was one of five victims from a direct hit by an RPG (rocket propelled grenade), was to be with him, comfort and reassure him while he was dying. When I just wrote that last sentence, I did not shake or feel any anxiety whatsoever; before this one EFT session last week, that wouldn’t be possible.

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Parachute accident: A Vietnam Veteran’s healing story

Gordon, a Vietnam Veteran, suffers from insomnia and nightmares, hyper vigilance, numbness, feelings of undeservingness and low self esteem, loss of interest, lack of energy and angry outbursts.
Even though Gordon received medication from the VA, he was still haunted by traumatic memories from Vietnam, which made his life very difficult. With EFT, he relaeased the trauma of an almost fatal parachute jump.

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Creating rapport with Veterans and their families

For most Veterans, working with a non-military coach, even talking with a non-veteran is very difficult. In my experience, most Veterans only trust veterans, and only share what they have been through, with a hand selected number of people.

In my experience, it helps when a practitioner starts the conversation with the question: “What do you need to know about me?”

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