Why we resist to achieve goals

If we didn’t have resistance to achieve goals, we would have reached them by now. Let’s take a look on some of those beliefs, and then tap the resistance and writing on our walls away with EFT. Join us for tonight’s tele class!

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Dream and let go

I often need to tell my clients that they should try to let go of the outcome of their dream. “How can you have a vision, and not be attached to the outcome?” A vision is something we can imagine with our senses, a feeling. How we believe we can get that feeling is a different story.

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When one door shuts, another one opens

The other day, I was told that one of my goals, something that had kept me busy for a long time, was coming to an end.

I heard the door slam shut like one of these big iron dungeon doors that they show in films. “Wow!” I thought, that’s pretty clear and I don’t think that there is anything I can do about it. I know that without that iron door falling shut, I would have missed out on some very important and wonderful endeavors that my passed experience now qualifies me to do.

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A lesson from catching a fly

We all have an inner knowing about who we are and what we are capable of that can sometimes get hindered by being overly concerned and over planned.

Setting an intention, connecting with the positive outcome, and then letting go of how we get there helps us to access our inner abilities and creates our goal in surprising ways.

I would have never thought I would be able to catch a fly in full fly, but … voila, it worked.

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Stella, two new kittens and a lesson to learn

Thank you all for your kind remarks on my post about Stella’s death. We all agree that it feels as if she is still in the house, roaming around and doing what she has always done. She just doesn’t seem gone to us.

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Death of our beloved cat Stella

On Wednesday night, after the last call of our 90 day online business training, our dear cat Stella passed away.

It was rather horrific, as I found her dead in her litter box, when I went to clean it on my way to bed.

She had seemed of good health, a bit overweight, but very content and cute, and had the privilege to sleep on a sheepskin on my daughter’s bed.

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This is why I got started to learn about EFT

“Why should something that hurt me a very long time ago, and within a split second, take so much time, so many years of talking and thinking to get rid of?” What is it that actually hurts, if not the thought itself? “talking it out” can help cope with a problem, but it often does not release the emotional charge of it. And bringing up the feelings usually – well – brings them back up – and there they are…almost unchanged, as if the pain had just happened. EFT Tapping has been the most transformational tool I have ever come across, and I have since moved on to passionately teach it to others, including Veterans and their families, who suffer from war trauma.

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