Returning Home from Combat
Homecoming from war is not as easy as many expect. In the days, weeks or months after returning home from combat, many veterans report that the world seems to stand still, as if in slow motion. EFT can bring relief.
Read MoreTestimonial from Jim, a disabeled Veteran
Testimonial from Jim, a disabeled Veteran. Thank You very much for the session we had this evening. To say it was enlightening would be an understatement. So many traumas in my life were hit on, I am amazed. and I have the ability to see them from a different point of view, a different acceptance level.
Read MoreEFT4Vets training on February 27th-28th
sign up: Helping Veterans and their families heal requires more than EFT skills. Working with the Military is in many ways different from any other community. Understanding how to create rapport and trust, the true meaning of the Warrior’s path, specific issues to address, and what not to talk about, and very creative and…
Read MoreUpdate from “Robert”
Robert and I did another EFT session on numerous of the issues he has been through as a Vietnam combat medic and paramedic. I just received this email from him: “I’m singing the praises of you and EFT everywhere I go… Amazing. I’m down to 1 and a half vicodine a day; when I met…
Read MoreHow military families heal a Veteran
Research shows that most Veterans prefer to talk to a family member or buddy over talking to a professional. When I first began to help Veterans with EFT, I needed to understand as much as possible why this would be the case, what it is that makes Veterans feel that they get more healing from…
Read MoreVeterans healing time
The time frame for Veterans healing sessions should, be as customized as possible to the individuals needs. Veterans healing is very different, depending on what a person has been through, and what the needs are. As an interfaith minister, independent life coach and registered, alternative provider with the NH board for mental health practice (the…
Read MoreThe EFT Movement for Healing Veterans
When I first came across Gary Craig’s EFT in early 2002, I immediately recognized it as not just a new and powerful approach to healing that can be used by laypersons all over the world, as well as by practitioners and healing professionals, but also the beginning of a healing movement as has never been seen before.
Read MoreThe Christmas Carol that briefly stopped World War I
The Christmas carol that briefly stopped World War I.
Read MoreEFT…a miracle for Veterans? A Testimonial from a Vietnam Veteran
After 40 years of suffering from guilt and a feeling of inadequacy, I finally realized that my “job” as am medic with my first patient in Vietnam who was one of five victims from a direct hit by an RPG (rocket propelled grenade), was to be with him, comfort and reassure him while he was dying. When I just wrote that last sentence, I did not shake or feel any anxiety whatsoever; before this one EFT session last week, that wouldn’t be possible.
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