EFT for low self esteem

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EFT To Improve Concentration

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The Truth About Goal Setting: There is nothing you want upstream!

Just dream with me for a moment.
Imagine facing your life, instead of your past. Imagine looking at what’s ahead of you instead of what’s behind you. How much easier this would be!

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Welcome to EFT4Vets

EFT4Vets is a resource and inspirational website for veterans and military families who are interested in learning more about EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques and how to apply it to war trauma.

EFT4Vets was also created as a resource for all those who want to help veterans and active duty personnel heal with honor and respect, using EFT.

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Interview with Vietnam Veteran Bob Culver about EFT and Healing PTSD

Listen to this exclusive interview with Bob Culver, one of our Vietnam Veterans who have been using EFT for their PTSD and war trauma.

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Thanksgiving Note

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I want to thank you:
For your interest when you open this site,
For your trust and friendship
For your willingness to share and heal

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14 Easy Steps To Help Military Families, Not Just On Thanksgiving

Imagine the relief overseas, when deployed soldiers know that their families are supported by their communities.
Here is a checklist of how to set this up.

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Veterans PTSD and EFT – Creating a Supportive Environment

If you are planning on creating retreats or other healing opportunities for veterans, I suggest to make sure that you create a reliable hierarchy, a predictable structure and a time table with no surprises.

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Is Your Website Legally Sound According To Current Internet Law?

I have been online for years and have heard of and seen people get into trouble because of statements or claims that they made.
Making sure that your website has the correct, legal disclaimers is a responsibility not only to yourself and the legal system of your state, but also to your clients and visitors.

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