Clearing Clutter Makes Resilient
Have you ever noticed how much your environment, especially clutter, drains your energy?
Clutter isn’t just stuff that needs to be put away. Clutter represents memories, the beloved ones as well as the traumatic ones.
It represents unresolved conflicts, memories that we don’t know what to do with, and fear of missing out or making a mistake.
Clutter instantly creates mind chatter that is lout and insisting, often even insulting to the person who is dealing with it. Think about it: When your home is cluttered: What are the first words that come out of your mouth when unexpected visitors come? Most likely something like “Please excuse the mess.” of” I am sorry, I didn’t have time to clean up.” Or “I wasn’t prepared for visitors, I am embarrassed.”
How many times have you passed on the opportunity to entertain, simply because you felt that your home wasn’t representable enough?
This constant clutter self talk drains your energy, your self esteem, your confidence.
In short: There is nothing in it for you that would help you become more resilient and feel better about yourself and your space in the world.
This is why I have been offering Clutter Clearing Classes and private sessions. Clutter is as close to home as it gets.
When you love where you live, when you are proud to share your home with others, when you are comfortable having unexpected guests, and when your business runs smoothly, because you can find your paper work easily,
When you let go of clothes that don’t fit, that have the wrong material or that are way outdated, even broken, you simply feel better about yourself.
It is incredibly freeing to get rid of stuff. And you’ll find yourself much stronger and happier when that negative mind has calmed down and gives you new room to think and breathe.
I want this for you. That’s why I offer courses on clutter clearing. It makes you more resilient and free to steer your own life.
Sometimes it’s strange how the different parts of our lives just flow together, isn’t it? But when we take a step back and look at all the things that impact and influence us, both consciously and subconsciously, it is easy to see that taking charge of clutter clearing is as healing as taking care of negative memories.
I want this strength and resilience for you!