Free Tapping Script: EFT For Fear Of Facing The Truth

Are you afraid to face the truth? Facing the truth about a situation is not always easy.

It can be scary and overwhelming to look past wishful thinking and facing the reality of our life, the reality of a situation or a personal relationship.

On the other hand, releasing the fear of facing the truth is the first step to a successful life.

When we have the courage to just look at things the way they are, it becomes much easier for us to make good decisions.

Facing the truth gives us options to decide what we want to do, how we want to take charge and how we want to continue to live our life.


Take a heart and tap along!


First, I'd like to encourage you to chose a topic for your tapping. Pick something that you don't want to look at.

Rate your fear of facing it on a scale of 0-10.

Where do you feel this in your body?

For the purpose of this tapping sequence, we will assume it is in your gut and throat. But it might be a different location for you.

Just acknowledge that it is there and make a mental note of how strong it is.


Then let the thoughts go and just focus on the tapping.

No need to get upset now!


KP: Even though I have this gut wrenching fear of facing the truth, I completely accept myself and my feelings

KP: Even though I just can't get over this fear, I just don't want to go there, I love and accept myself, and I choose courage when the time is right.

KP: Even though I feel so overwhelmed by this thought, I don't want to have to look at it  what if it is not safe or I get hurt badly? - I choose to be more calm and relaxed anyway. Everything happens in devine and perfect order.


TH: I am overwhelmed.

IE: I am REALLY scared right now

OE: I really don't want to have to face this

UE: I just don't want to, it feels too uncomfortable, too scary to me

UN: I really don't want to have to think about this

UL: I just don't can't go there, it doesn't feel safe

CB: I have this unsettling feeling of overwhelm right now

UA: This fear that I just can't go there

TH: I have this feeling in my gut that I don't want to face this, I just can't, and that's the truth!


OK, well done 🙂 Take a breath and just relax for a moment.

This is not easy. I understand. Just breathe, and get ready for another tapping round


TH: What if I could allow myself to just relax a bit

IE: What if I could feel more in control, even if it's hard

OE: Maybe I don't have to be so overwhelmingly fearful

UE: Maybe I could just take a peek at what is truly going on

UN: I can choose to tap along until I feel better

UL: After all, what happens happens, whether I know about it or not

CB: But when I know what's going on, I can make better decisions

UA: And I don't have to feel so overwhelmed and out of control anymore.

TH: I choose to feel a bit better about myself and the control that I have, even if I have to face the truth about this.


Take a breath again. Do you feel a bit more optimistic? Do you notice a shift?

Nothing has happened yet. You are in control. Just take it one step at a time and as you tap along, you will find more and more opportunities to make decisions that help you move forward.


TH: What if I could be relaxed and just let it be easy?

IE: What if I was making at least a part of this problem up?

OE: My denying of the truth doesn't change a thing

UE: It just makes me feel uncomfortable, it makes me feel scared

UN: I choose to release this daunting fear now

UL: And I choose to begin to explore what the truth is all about

CB: I choose to be very thorough with this and honest to myself

UA: After all, I know that there is more to it than just what I am afraid of.

TH: I am grateful that I am now beginning to see this differently.


Take another breath and check in with your body. How do you feel? What is coming up for you?

Any changes? Good - take a mental note.

Let's do one last round on Gratitude:


TH: I am grateful that I am beginning to let go of this fear

IE: I am grateful that I didn't give up, and take it one step at a time

OE: I am grateful that I have the courage to claim my power back from this daunting fear

UE: And to begin to see opportunities where I used to only see fear

UN: Maybe I can begin to see the truth in all of it's facets

UL: The truth is not one dimensional - there are many things I can impact and change

CB: I am grateful for my courage to put this behind me

UA: And I feel confident now that I can handle this, one step at a time.

TH: And even though I was so afraid to face this, I am grateful for the opportunities I am beginning to see.

Thank you, I am grateful for my control and strength.


Breathe. And check in with your body. How do you feel?

What do you notice?

There is so much to facing and understanding the truth, and when you have the courage to see the whole picture and not just a part of it, you will also find your strength to make the right decisions and do what you have to do to let the truth be a good thing.

Please leave a comment below!





  1. Kevin on February 25, 2012 at 11:05 am

    Hi Ingrid, this is a very interesting technique. I watched a couple of your videos and was intrigued. I will try it out. thanks

  2. Iréne on February 10, 2012 at 5:42 am

    Beautiful and very helpful. Nice to see how the words kind of accompany the relaxation and opening that the tapping itself invites. Thank you. Iréne

    • Ingrid Dinter on February 10, 2012 at 11:26 pm

      Thanks Irene. What else are you interested in?

  3. Anjali on February 9, 2012 at 12:36 am

    Dear Ingrid,

    Thank you so much for this script. Indeed helpful.

    God bless you!!!

    Light & LOve

    • Ingrid Dinter on February 9, 2012 at 12:46 am

      Thank you Anjali. Please let me know how else I can serve you.

  4. Royann on February 8, 2012 at 9:19 pm

    I really like this script. Really hits home. Thank you for posting!

    • Ingrid Dinter on February 9, 2012 at 12:09 am

      Thanks Royann. I am grateful that this “hits home” and is helpful to you.

  5. ivan morgan on February 8, 2012 at 9:02 pm

    Dear Ingrid,
    Thankyou so much for the scripts i have received from you lately, i have found them extremely helpful, MANY BLESSINGS TO YOU FOR YOUR HELP TO OTHER’S – LOVE AND LIGHT X

    • Ingrid Dinter on February 9, 2012 at 12:09 am

      I am glad, Ivan. Is there a specific topic that interests you?


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