Beyond New Years Resolutions: How To Create A Successful Business- And Life Plan For 2012

As the new year is just a few days old, you might want to think about what you want to accomplish in 2012.
This is true for your business as well for your life.
So many people talk about the law of attraction now, but when it comes to having concrete goals and visions, as well as a plan that gets them there, they draw a blank.
“I don’t know what I can have!” they say. Or: “I just want to attract abundance”. But what is abundance other than a lot of something?
YOU have to define what you want. YOU have to define which dreams are worth living for you.
YOU have to decide how you want to make money, who you want to serve and how you want to serve them.
YOU have to set the fees. YOU have to decide which college your kids will go to.
If you leave it up to “attraction”, you will not get what you want.
For the next 7 days, I want to help you create that vision.
I want to help you create a plan that works for you.
I will do this using your business as an example. But please remember:Your business is just the part of your life where you create the money to live. There is more to your life than your business, but your business or job is the only place where you create money. It is defined that way :-).
So lets get started. 
Since you are on this site, you are most likely a transformational entrepreneur, a coach or healing professional, or a person interested in holistic healing with EFT.
Do you have a vision for your life?
Not just a “that would be nice”, but a true vision?
What do you want?
How do you want it?
If you can’t name your vision, the universe can’t either.

Maybe you are asking for what you want in a negative way:
You say: “I don’t want to be poor anymore.”
Or: “I want to get rid or this illness.”. But that’s not a goal. That is just what you DON’T want!

A goal would be: “I want to have consistent, recurring income of 8.600,- by March 15th”
or “I want perfect health, optimal body weight and work out 3 times per week.”
Do you see the difference here?

One reason why this is so important is, because you can’t measure negative goals. Not being poor is not a specific number. It doesn’t mean anything. It is up to opinion. Getting rid of an illness doesn’t make you healthy. You may have one problem less to worry about, but you are not necessarily out of the woods.
Does this make sense to you?

OK, so for 2012, let’s start with your vision.
Your vision is your dream. It is your reason why you do what you do, your reason why you live the way you live.

Visions are always grand. I know that many of you might struggle with this, but it is important to not play small with your vision.
Who do you want to be? Why do you want to be that person, live that life? What is your big dream that, when you achieve it, you would consider your life to be a success?
Ask for ALL you can have, not just for what you know how to get right now.

Let’s say, you are a transformational entrepreneur, and you want to help couples.
How about your vision (and remember it to be first person present tense, because it defines who you ARE, not just something in the future):

I am a sought after and highly recommended 7 figure relationship coach, who helps couples who are going into business together strive in their relationship, so that they can build a successful business, grow closer in their private life and live the abundant and fulfilled lifestyle they always dreamed of.
Does this sound concrete?
Does this give you a warm, fuzzy feeling thinking about it?
Does this feel like you now have a purpose in your life?

How about for your private life:
I am a strong, healthy woman with a fully intact immune system who has done everything necessary to regain and maintain perfect health.
Do you love it?
Does this feel like something you’d like to have?
Go for it!
Design your vision!
Dream Big!
Dream Loud!
Wait for that warm, fuzziness that comes from feeling like you are in the right place.
You can do it!
Just be specific and joyful as you design your vision for 2012 and beyond.
This is your life and your business.
Nobody can take your dreams and vision away from you!

Please leave feedback below what your vision for 2012 is, and I’d be glad to give you feedback.

Here is to your transformation for Success!




  1. Diane Kluft on January 15, 2012 at 4:49 pm

    Great article Ingrid! Thank you and hope I can get there.

    Happy New Year

    • Ingrid Dinter on January 16, 2012 at 11:04 am

      Thanks Diane. You WILL get there! Keep working! Empty Nesters need your help. It is so hard to rekindle a relationship when the kids are out of the house.

  2. Kathy Atkinson on January 4, 2012 at 1:55 pm

    Happy New Year Ingrid! Great tips for being clear and precise. Thanks for sharing them. Much success in 2012!

    • Ingrid Dinter on January 4, 2012 at 3:59 pm

      Happy New Year to you, too, Kathy! So great to hear from you and thanks for the feedback!

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