Free Tapping Script: Improve Concentration – How To Concentrate Better With EFT

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Image by mtsofan via Flickr

If you are like most people, concentrating on one thing for a long time can be challenging.

So many things are going through your mind, so many expectations and demands, that it becomes easier to react than to prioritize what to spend the next hour or day with.

The expectation from many employers that people should be able to multitask has deepened even further the belief that we should be able to do everything at once, and that we are not good enough if we just do one thing at a time.

Even though research has shown that it is much more effective to do one thing at a time than to work on a multitude of things at once, we still don’t feel that focussing on one thing only would be OK.

Here is a tapping Sequence that some of  you might find helpful, especially when there are so many opportunities in your life that it is hard to set a goal.

Thanks! I am looking forward to your feedback!


KP: Even though I can’t focus today, I deeply and completely accept myself

KP: Even though I have such a problem focusing on what I should do, I accept myself anyway, I know I have a lot on my mind

KP: Even though it is so frustrating that I am struggling to concentrate, it seems like the only thing I can focus on is not focusing, I chose to set my priorities according to what my next mission is, and do only what brings me closer to my goal


TH: I can’t focus, my mind is going all over the place

IE: I wish I had finished what I need to do and do something else now

OE: I can’t focus, it’s impossible

UE: I just can’t focus; there is so much on my mind!

UN: I am really struggling here

UL: It is hard to know that I am not doing the right thing

CB: I know that I should be able to focus, and I blame myself for this problem

UA: But a part of me just wants to get out of here and be distracted

TH: It is so hard to be focused when a part of me just wants to get away!


Take a breath


TH: What if I could see this differently now?

IE: What if I didn’t have to see this so judgmentally?

OE: What if I could acknowledge all my emotions without any judgment or overwhelm

UE: Because the truth is that there are many ways to see all this

UN: I acknowledge my overwhelm

UL: There is always more to do

CB: And a part of me is afraid to make a decision and sink my attention into it

UA: Because there is so much more to do, and it could all be important.

TH: I now release my judgment and see my conflict in a new light

Take a breath…


TH: I see all my different options clearly now

IE: I see clearly how they can all be important and good

OE: I realize that there are many different things that I could do

UN: The question for me now is: Which one brings me closer to my goal

UL: I love my goal and whatever gets me closer

CB: I realize how many things I can now do that are clearly good and helpful for my goal

UA: And I release the need to do what isn’t helping me on my mission.

TH: I chose to make my passion my mission, and do whatever I can to be successful with it.

TH: I love my new focus and sense of control

IE: I never knew that I was that powerful

OE: It is so great to feel focused and in control

UE: Until the mission is finished, and I get ready to set my next goal

UN: I am ready to enjoy the moment while focusing on what brings me closer to my mission

UL: It is so exciting to feel comfortable setting great goals

CB: I am surprised how quickly I can finish what I focus on

UA: And how relieved I feel when it is all done

TH: I am grateful for my focus and that I have chosen to finish up quickly.


Take a breath again. Relax and notice how you feel.

Do you notice a shift? Do you feel more relaxed and able to set new priorities?

If memories come up, limiting beliefs or other thoughts, make sure that you address them with EFT.

Enjoy and please leave your feedback below!

Much Love


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  1. Gabriela on January 17, 2023 at 8:10 am

    Please, write the meaning of the abbreviations, because I am not English speaker and is difficult for me to understand…. TH, IE, UE….

    • ingriddinter on January 17, 2023 at 12:22 pm

      Hi Gabriela, thanks for reaching out! Are you familiar with EFT and the Tapping points? It means : Top of Head, Inside Eyebrow, Outside Eye, Under Eye, Under Nose, Under Lip, Collar Bone, Under Arm, KP stands for the “Karate Chop Point” or side of the hand point. Here is a visual: And please check out my videos to see EFT in action! I hope this helps!

  2. kerenodelle on March 9, 2013 at 5:58 am

    its great script its good for anything its original and very setisfing – thank you!!!((:

  3. Lea on June 1, 2011 at 8:16 pm

    A nice piece of tapping work. Concentrating and staying focused is such an important part of productivity. I can see myself using this in conjunction with tapping on procrastination. Thank you.

  4. Elaine Williams on March 28, 2011 at 11:46 pm


    Once again you were there when I needed a particular script. I have been avoiding focusing on a particular task for a week and when I opened your email it was just the thing I needed. I followed the script and will get right to the task because all of me feels revitalized and clear now.

    You’re the best!

    Blessings to you dear friend,


    • Ingrid Dinter on March 29, 2011 at 9:13 am

      That’s great Elaine 🙂 Keep us posted! Here’s to your success!
      Much Love

  5. Debi on March 15, 2011 at 6:07 pm

    ThanX so much Ingrid for putting this up. I will review and Tap it in later tonight…Namaste EFT4MeDebi

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