Technophobia: Is Your Fear of Technology Keeping You Stuck?
This past year, I have invested quite a bit of money into technology and internet marketing training with Connie Ragen Green, Jeanette Cates and Lisa Suttora, and I am about to learn more on Big Seminar this weekend with Armand Morin and his team of top notch trainers and marketers.
You might say: What has Helping people with EFT, whether it is Veterans or long term unemployed job searchers to do with internet marketing?” Well, the truth is that for mt was the missing link between having a gift and passion for helping others with EFT, and actually TELLING others that I have a gift and passion for helping them.
When you know how to work the internet properly, which information to put where, what your blog, your website, your business cards and articles should look like to reach the largest amount of people, you can reach out so much more effectively. And best of all: People can actually find you easily, connect with you and discover how you may be able to be of service for them. Just imagine for a moment what your life would look like, if you hadn’t found those websites and information that changed your life.
Online marketing is a skill that is not intuitive, but has to be learned from those who are already successfully doing this, who have insights into the market and understand how to use which technology properly.
While I am very excited about the 4 day Seminar (in Las Vegas, of all places…), I am also determined to teach you what I learn and use successfully, so that you can gain confidence with the technology and move forward with confidence.
Learning how to market successfully online is an essential skill set and will connect those that need EFT and healing with those who can offer and facilitate it with skill and passion.
This is a very exciting ride… Hope you will join me!
Remember that having a gift alone is not enough. Even if you suffer from technophobia, we have to find ways to communicate to others that we are here and available to help. Being able to do this online, from the comfort of wherever you are or need to be in the world, effectively and on real time is helping many get access to the help and healing they need and desire Tomorrow, I will offer you a tapping suggestion that might help you release the fear of technology.