A humorous discussion of randomized controlled studies
“Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma related to gravitational challenge: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials,” The effectiveness of parachutes has never been subjected to rigorous evaluation by using randomised controlled trials. Advocates of evidence based medicine have criticised the adoption of interventions evaluated by using only observational data. We think that everyone might benefit if the most radical protagonists of ‘evidence based medicine” organised and participated in a double blind, randomised, placebo controlled, crossover trial of the parachute
Keep ReadingEFT, Walter Reed and Congressional Hearing
If you receive the newsletter, you have already heard about the meeting with a Colonel from Walter Reed last week, as well as the round table at the committee for veterans affairs on July 21st.
I was honored to attend the meeting, and to share about the work with Veterans and EFT.
Military Veterans benefits through free community resources
I was told this week that the Military deals with the well being of the soldiers internally and they don’t need outside help. Given the 18 suicides per day that the military has to justify these days, I find this policy to be questionable. I know massage therapists, chiropractors and business owners who are happy to donate free services to Veterans and their families. At the same time, I have talked with many soldiers who wish that someone would help them, but they simply don’t know what is possible and available. It is my sincere hope that the chain of command will overcome their fear of civilian supporters and accept and communicate the help that is readily available for the troops and their families.
Keep ReadingNo warrior comes back unchanged – no warrior should have to deal with this alone…EFT PTSD
I believe that we need to change the way we think about war exposure, and acknowledge that nobody comes back unchanged.
Nobody comes back unchanged – nobody should have to deal with this alone.
EFT for help with changing careers and finding a new job
It is fascinating to me how many different applications EFT can have. The other day, I received a call from a recruiter who has been deeply engaged in helping long term unemployed people find a job. Here are some tapping suggestion that might help people to get a more positive mindset about finding a new job
Keep ReadingCoaching tip: Use EFT for business coaching practice
If you are a coach who is dealing with resistance and refusal issues with your clients, we should talk about implementing EFT into your mix. Your clients will greatly benefit from releasing stress and blocks from past trauma with tapping acupressure.
Keep ReadingCreating wealth and manifesting abundance with “Secret of Intentional Wealth” EFT program
Finding balance between caring and providing for others, and maintaining healthy boundaries is important for any professional. When it comes to creating wealth and manifesting abundance, it makes sense to turn to those who specialize in this field. I personally found Margaret Lynch’s program to be very well done and profoundly effective, and thought you might, too.
Keep ReadingSandi Radomski donates programs to help Veterans with allergies
Sandi Radomski is one of the most innovative EP (Energy Psychology) practitioners that I know. Sandi has donated both, the beginners and advanced manuals,as well as the laser program to the troops, to help them release their allergies.
Keep ReadingEFT PTSD and military families
Could it be that healing PTSD on the soul level means recognizing and acknowledging a soldier without judgment, without condoning or excusing what happened, but with the compassionate, open mind of someone who cares? Teaching EFT to those who are currently carrying such a huge load of healing and responsibility for the well being of their loved oneEnhanced by Zemanta seems to be a wide open door that might allow for the healing that is already happening to strengthen, for the fears of each other and the past to diminish, and for the intensity of the trauma to subside.
Keep ReadingHow to offer Veterans services with EFT
We don’t have to get EFT into the VA in order to make this great healing tool accessible for Veterans. We can find personal ways to reach out and share EFT with military families and troops and help them heal from trauma on a one by one basis.
Keep ReadingFree EFT Tapping Script: EFT For Releasing The Fear Of Technology
Fear of technology is holding many gifted transformational entrepreneurs back from moving forward with their business.
But the internet can be a blessing, as it allows for clients and healers to find each other and connect, no matter where they are in the world.
Here is a free EFT Tapping script to help you release a fear of technology and take the new media on one step at a time.
Please click on the read more button and tap along!
"Operation Emotional Freedom" documentary now released!
EFT is a powerful tool to release war trauma. In March 2008, five EFT practitioners were invited by Gary Craig, the founder of EFT, to work with eleven Veterans and family members. The work was documented in filas a documentary, as well as a researh study, which was published in “Traumatology” in January of this year.
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