Why EFT4Vets is for all Veterans and their families
EFT4Vets doesn’t judge, doesn’t condone and doesn’t excuse what happens or happened, it helps HEAL what happened. In a surprisingle simple and effective way, we honor the memories, thoughts and feelings, as well as their physical manifestation, and releasing the response by tapping on 8 designated release points on the physical body.
Keep ReadingTapping on "The fear of change"
Every military family faces fear and change. War changes warriors as well as those who love them. With EFT, we can tap on finding a surprisingly new and appropriate outlook on the changes that are coming. Tap along.
Keep Reading"Somehow the colors seem different now…"
“Somehow the colors are different now”. This is how some Veterans try to explain how their perception of life has changed after deployment. Learning to understand and respect each others views and colors is challenging and requires trust and determination from partners.
Keep ReadingGetting EFT into the VA
Before approaching the VA about EFT4Vets, it is important to understand the hirarchy and flow of information.
Keep ReadingCreating rapport and trust
The question “what do you need to know about me?” is a great starter question to establish trust and rapport.
Keep ReadingWhen does a warrior deserve healing?
EFT4Vets stands for helping ALL Veterans and their families, regardless of a diagnosis or known, severe trauma. EFT is a coaching tool that can be easily learned by anybody, even children. If a soldier needs mental health services, EFT doesn’t have to be stopped, as it does not contradict the support someone might get from the VA. On the contrary, EFT can be self applied and Soldiers can help each other, as well as families work with it together.
Keep ReadingThe need for adrenaline
Many Soldiers feel that the life they are supposed to live when they come home feels rather irrelevant and boring. The decisions are banal, and the adrenaline that they are so used to, can’t be used in every day life. with EFT, we can safely tap and release the adrenaline to a normal and appropriate level.
Keep ReadingFeeling "Boxed in"
In Theater, many soldiers experience a kind of adrenaline rush and freedom in a way that is rather impossible to have at home. After returning home, many soldiers report that they feel like everything here is in slow motion. There is no adrenaline rush, and the importance of many everyday decisions seems to be irrelevant, even ridiculous. With EFT, we can help relax and adjust in a surprising and appropriate way.
Keep ReadingRelaxing or Healing?
The word “healing” does not go down great with some Veterans. It has a feeling of new age, woo woo, and is not acceptable. For the sake of rapport, I often start a conversation by replacing the word “healing” with “relaxing”.
Keep ReadingHealing without Excuses
When working with unforgivable trauma and despair, I find it important to not offer excuses for what happened. In my experience, Veterans don’t want to hear that there is something good about a kid that died in a cross fire, about the accidental death of civilians, or anybody, for that matter. Instead, we use EFT to find peace with what happened. Having released the trauma and overwhelm allows the Veterans to take charge in a new and powerful way.
Keep ReadingEFT – a true solution for war trauma
Statistics show that most Veterans ask their immediate private surrounding, their families and buddies, for help with their war trauma. But are those ley people prepared for this important taks?
EFT can be easily and effectively taught and applied, even by spouses with no background in mental health.

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