
The meaning of honor and sacrifice for military soldiers

When I started offering free services to servicemen and -women, it struck me how low the response was. e as EFT coaches have to earn the trust and respect one person at a time. Knowing EFT alone does not help a Veteran feel safe with us. Understanding the value of honor and sacrifice in the military mindset is extremely important. I have seen Vietnam veterans step forward with astounding courage, once they realized that their healing would help “the guys that are coming home now”. If we EFT Tapping coaches see ourselves on a mission greater than the individual sessions, helping those whose lives have been impacted by war and training, and finding ways to do good for many, then we will be able to communicate this mission easily and get others excited and grateful, too.

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Veterans don’t talk politics

One of the biggest “turn offs” for most Veterans and active duty personel is, when people begin to talk politics in their presence.

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The Box Technique

The box technique is very useful when I cannot finish a session with a client immediately.
During an EFT Level I workshop when a woman began to tune into something very big for her. Since we ran out of time during the class, we decided to find a way to put things back into the box and safely close it until next time.

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Veterans healing from betrayal and anger

Many Veterans have a deeply ingrained feeling of betrayal and anger about it. As a healing practitioner, it is important that we honor and acknowledge this experience and feeling. Betrayal has many faces, but no matter what someone has experienced, he or she will most likely feel anger and rage about it. When a Veteran begins to talk about feeling betrayed, it is important not to judge, but to listen with compassion and confirm the betrayal.

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Returning home from combat

Returning home from combat is not as easy as many expect. Thinking of home feels wonderful: a safe and comfortable place, where things will “sort themselves out”. Many veterans can’t wait to get on the plane and head home, and neither can their relatives. But in the weeks and months ahead, many soldiers face great and unexpected difficulties when they come back to their family and try to adjust to “normal life”.

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As a Vietnam Veteran I see that if we could get people who come right from the zone and teach them how to tap, they wouldn’t have to go through 40 years of shit like I had to.

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Thank you, Ingrid for the session yesterday. We worked for 50 minutes on the phone and ended by getting me back to the little girl I left in the root…

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Gary Craig Tribute

This week we are having a tribute for the founder of EFT, Gary Craig. Please join us! 3pm EST/8pm GMT Call-in Number: (718) 664-6271 Today on the life call:…

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Conversation and Testimonial of a Military Mother

Part of the mission for this blog is to help practitioners understand the world of Veterans and their families. Only if we understand what Veterans and military families are going through can we find ways to reach out effectively.

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Returning Home from Combat

Homecoming from war is not as easy as many expect. In the days, weeks or months after returning home from combat, many veterans report that the world seems to stand still, as if in slow motion. EFT can bring relief.

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Testimonial from Jim, a disabeled Veteran

Testimonial from Jim, a disabeled Veteran. Thank You very much for the session we had this evening. To say it was enlightening would be an understatement. So many traumas in my life were hit on, I am amazed. and I have the ability to see them from a different point of view, a different acceptance level.

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EFT4Vets training on February 27th-28th

sign up: Helping Veterans and their families heal requires more than EFT skills. Working with the Military is in many ways different from any other community. Understanding how to…

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