Technophobia In The Healing Profession: Why Releasing The Fear Of Technology Is Important

Remember that online marketing is a skill that is not necessarily intuitive, but has to be learned from those who already have successful businesses, who have insights into the market and understand how to use which technology properly. If you don’t understand how it all works together, there is most likely a level of training and resources missing that would excel your comfort level many fold. Learning how to market successfully online is an essential skill set and will connect those that need help and support with those who can offer and facilitate it with skill and passion.

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Technophobia: Is Your Fear of Technology Keeping You Stuck?

Learning how to market online is the missing link between having a gift and passion for helping others with EFT, and actually TELLING others that you have a gift and passion for helping them. It helps those who need your services find you easily and benefit from what you have to offer to them.

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Understanding Emotional Triggers of War Trauma

When helping Veterans, we have to be extremely mindful not to expose them to unintentional triggers. Depending on the trauma that someone has been through, even a change I voice, a picture of a depressed person or certain sounds or smells can trigger flashbacks and intrusive thoughts and cause startling and fear. EFT is an amazing tool to release the intensity of traumatic memories, negative beliefs and even related physical symptoms. However, without insights into the military mindset and world, we are risking exposing veterans to traumatizing situations unknowingly, as well as not reading their signs properly and missing out on important clues that would have helped them better.

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Are you unemployed and looking for jobs? Use EFT to regain your confidence!

When looking for jobs, most people agree that, the longer the job search takes, the harder it feels to have and good self esteem.
Long term unemployment takes a toll even on the most confident and skilled people. However, for a successful interview, it is very important to come across in a professional, positive, and confident way. Luckily, EFT is a fantastic tool to help cope with the challenges of unemployment and potential career change.

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Career Transition: Heal the Grief of Losing Dear Colleagues – EFT

Yesterday, we discussed how traumatic it can be to lose dear colleagues that you have worked with for years.
Today, I would like to offer you some EFT tapping suggestions to begin to address this issue.

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Career transition: Have you grieved yet?

Losing a job is more than just losing a reliable stream of income. In order to be ready for a new career, it is important to find peace with losing the job, and to not hold on to anger or resentment. Many people feel grief about losing the connection to co-workers, who might have become like a family. In order to move forward into a great career, this grief needs to be addressed and released with kindness and compassion.

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Tapping Script: How to combat compassion fatigue and burnout with EFT

Question: I am a Mental Health Provider at the VA, and am daily exposed to horrendous stories that my veterans share with me. I am a very compassionate person and I love my job. I love to help and support…

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Have The Courage To Reinvent Yourself For A Career Change

Reinventing oneself means looking into a new direction, not improving an old one. It means finding closure and peace with the past, embracing and honoring what we have learned and starting new with curiosity and a clean, fresh slate.

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EFT helped support group participants find a job Testimonial

Out of ten attendees, three obtained jobs three weeks later. I do believe the EFT had a positive effect with the group members.
I was later informed that another participant of the EFT workshop had landed a job after long term unemployment. That is 4 out of 10…gotta love it!

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