YES! Update with new video and tapping chart! What Is EFT-Video Intro
Why EFT works:
The tapping on designated release points (“Acupoints”) balances your emotional reactions, negative beliefs and physical stress symptoms.
The Basic Recipe:
Evaluate your intensity about a specific event on a scale of 0 (no intensity) -10 (highest intensity)
Repeat the 3 times out loud, while tapping on the “Karate Chop Point” KP on the side of your hand:
KP: Even though I have this…(affirmation with the issue), …I completely accept myself
Tap each release points 7-9 times, while repeating the reminder phrase:
TH = Top of head
IE = Inside Eyebrow
OE = Outside of Eye
UE = Under the Eye
UN = Under Nose
UL = Under Lip
CH = Chin
CB = Collar Bone
UA = Under Arm
TH = Top of head
Then tune into the issue, re-evaluate intensity, and repeat the basic recipe for any remaining intensity as necessary!
If you feel that a new aspect or memory comes up, proceed as before: Rate the intensity (don’t judge!) and tap it away.