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Ready to book an EFT Tapping session?

Please contact Ingrid Dinter

for a free, 20 minute phone consultation!

My commitment to you

I am committed to assisting you in achieving your healing and empowerment goals as quickly as possible.

Ideally, my clients “do their homework”, and only come to me when they feel stuck.
Over time, I have developed a very personal “Art of Delivery”, that combines my compassionate, intuitive gifts with the deep understanding of the various EFT techniques. This makes our work together very effective.
It is my passion to assist my clients in the most effective and lasting way, that I am capable of. This often leads to my clients having just a few sessions with me, before they feel they have achieved their goals and are ready to go on their own.
When this happens, I feel that I have done my job well, and I hope that you refer a friend…

“Why should I work with an EFT Tapping coach?”

Even though EFT Tapping is a very poewrful self help tool, there are many reasons why you may elect to work with a professional Tapping coach:

An EFT coach:

  • works with you on reaching your goals with EFT Tapping
  • helps you release inner resistence and whatever stops you from moving forward in the way that you choose
  • helps you release memories and emotions that you might not be able to access and that hinder you from moving forward with EFT Tapping
  • helps you stay focused and make the decisions and choices that you would like to make.
  • An experienced coach is skilled to help a client feel safe, even when traumatic memories show up.

“Do you work over the phone?”

Yes, I offer EFT sessions in person and over the phone. Those phone sessions are usually just as powerful as the in person.
sessions, with the added benefit of convenience and time saving. Please contact us for details!

“What happens during an EFT Tapping session?”

You will be asked to evaluate the intensity of the emotion you are feeling on a scale of 0 gone) to 10 (as high as it gets).
Then, you are shown how to activate specific acupressure points on the face and body, as you focus on the issue.
By gently tapping on these points, you will balance your energy system in relation to the negative feeling, and,
most likely, get immediate relief. For a complete tapping chart with instructions, please click here.
Within minutes, most clients report reduction of intensity, or complete relief from their symptoms. Once the
state of balance is achieved, the negative emotion does usually NOT return.
Please read our disclaimer for more information.

“How can I get started working with you?”

I offer all new clients a free, no obligation, 20 minute phone consultation. This way, we can make sure that yo have all your qustions answered and feel comfortable working with me.
If we decide to work together, I will email you a client agreement, which I ask you to sign and bring to your first visit or return by mail if we work over the phone.
I will teach you the basic EFT recipe in the first session and introduce you to the Personal Peace Procedure, so that you can continue to tap at home.

Please contact me: to book your free 20 minute initial consultation!