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AAMET CPD and Mentoring Requirements
In line with most professional bodies associated with complementary therapies, AAMET has set down mandatory requirements for Continuing Personal and Professional Development (CPD) and Mentoring.
This is widely considered to be in the best interests of the client and for the professional integrity and standing of our Members of AAMET. Any member who has difficulty gaining CPD or mentoring hours should discuss first with their Trainer.
IMPORTANT: Registered Practitioners (which in this document includes Trainers and Trainers of the Trainers) who wish to be registered on AAMET will have to commit to and follow AAMET Code of Conduct and Ethics in addition to the AAMET Guidelines for CPD and Mentoring.
If, for whatever reason you are no longer able or willing to commit to or follow the above code and Guidelines, you are honour bound to inform AAMET immediately so you can be removed from the Practitioner register until such time as you are able to make the necessary commitment.
You may request to be moved to the Student Members list until you are in a position to comply with AAMET Code of Conduct and Ethics and the AAMET Guidelines for CPD and Mentoring, at which time you may reapply to be registered as a Practitioner member.
Definition of Continuing Personal and Professional Development (CPD)
CPD is not intended as extra work or expense, but simply the normal effort made by conscientious Practitioners to develop personally and professionally, and keep up to date with the latest developments relating to EFT.
In addition, Practitioners are strongly encouraged to work on clearing their own issues, which may otherwise interfere with their efficacy as a Practitioner, and to repeat trainings with other trainers, particularly at Level 3, to develop a wide perspective.
Under these Guidelines, all AAMET Practitioners (which includes Levels 2, 3 and Master, as well as Trainers and Trainers of Trainers) are required to commit to and acquire at least 30 hours of CPD per year in order to maintain their listing on the AAMET Practitioner/Trainer register. The hours should ideally be balanced across several CPD categories, and include a reasonable proportion of relevant professional training (either as attendee or as the Trainer delivering the training).
Definition of Mentoring
For the purposes of these Guidelines, Mentoring means discussing cases that you have had difficulty with or may affect you and practicing your techniques with, or guided by, someone who is more proficient as a Practitioner or Trainer.
Practitioners (including Trainers and Trainers of Trainers) who are seeing clients one-to-one or in groups (or training groups) are required to have an absolute minimum of at least six hours one-to-one Mentoring or at least twelve hours Mentoring with a group lead by a proficient and more experienced Practitioner or Trainer, or a combination of the two.
In the case of Practitioners who are also Trainers, it is likely to be even more important that at least some of the Mentoring includes a fellow Trainer, or preferably a Trainer of Trainers, however it is up to the individual Trainer (perhaps taking advice from her/his Trainer of Trainers) to determine what may be best for her/him.
Practitioners who see a number of clients on a regular basis, or who regularly train others, should engage in substantially more hours of Mentoring than the minimum levels listed above, depending on workload.
All CPD and Mentoring hours gained must be recorded, together with attendance certificates and/or receipts as appropriate, and retained as evidence for at least 5 years in case this may be asked for by AAMET.
Suggestions for CPD and the record sheet can be viewed and downloaded from within the Trainers area of the website.