Update from “Robert”
Robert and I did another EFT session on numerous of the issues he has been through as a Vietnam combat medic and paramedic. I just received this email from him:…
Keep ReadingHow military families heal a Veteran
Research shows that most Veterans prefer to talk to a family member or buddy over talking to a professional. When I first began to help Veterans with EFT, I needed…
Keep ReadingVeterans healing time
The time frame for Veterans healing sessions should, be as customized as possible to the individuals needs. Veterans healing is very different, depending on what a person has been through,…
Keep ReadingThe EFT Movement for Healing Veterans
When I first came across Gary Craig’s EFT in early 2002, I immediately recognized it as not just a new and powerful approach to healing that can be used by laypersons all over the world, as well as by practitioners and healing professionals, but also the beginning of a healing movement as has never been seen before.
Keep ReadingThe Christmas Carol that briefly stopped World War I
The Christmas carol that briefly stopped World War I.
Keep ReadingEFT…a miracle for Veterans? A Testimonial from a Vietnam Veteran
After 40 years of suffering from guilt and a feeling of inadequacy, I finally realized that my “job” as am medic with my first patient in Vietnam who was one of five victims from a direct hit by an RPG (rocket propelled grenade), was to be with him, comfort and reassure him while he was dying. When I just wrote that last sentence, I did not shake or feel any anxiety whatsoever; before this one EFT session last week, that wouldn’t be possible.
Keep ReadingA Vietnam Veteran’s complex healing story
Most Veterans cases that I work with with EFT coaching are very complex, spanning over childhood trauma, often abuse, neglect, abandonment, through trauma with peers, boot camp, war experience, returning home and all the relationship and every day issues that result from this. It never fails to surprise me to see how thoroughly and lastingly we can help with EFT. I hope that the following case also makes a strong argument that working with Veterans requires extensive experience in EFT and knowledge and understanding about war trauma, in addition to having done one’s own “homework”, so that the stories we work with don’t trigger us as practitioners.
Keep ReadingI wish that I could find a place…
Vietnam Veterans poem: I wish that I could find a place…where I could heal and regain faith in myself, and again feel the joy and happiness that I so long ago lost – displaced by despair and hopelessness.where I am accepted without judgment, and where I am loved for who I am.A place where forgiveness reigns…where the future will become clearer and brighter…and filled with hope.
Keep ReadingSome more thoughts to ponder…
War has always been part of human life and history. War lives on in those who have lost their soul, their trust, their feeling of safety. War is a constant companion of those who are forced to live a life that is far removed from what they had dreamed of, planned for and deserve. And most certainly, war lives on in every Veteran and his family who doesn’t get the help to heal…
Keep ReadingSome thoughts to ponder…
War is the result of a mindset of separation. As long as we believe and live as if we were separated from each other, and focus our actions on our differences instead of what we have in common, we will not be able to overcome war as a means to solve conflicts.
Keep ReadingParachute accident: A Vietnam Veteran’s healing story
Gordon, a Vietnam Veteran, suffers from insomnia and nightmares, hyper vigilance, numbness, feelings of undeservingness and low self esteem, loss of interest, lack of energy and angry outbursts.
Even though Gordon received medication from the VA, he was still haunted by traumatic memories from Vietnam, which made his life very difficult. With EFT, he relaeased the trauma of an almost fatal parachute jump.
Releasing hyper vigilance
Releasing hyper vigilance with EFT can be a threatening idea for many Veterans. Many Veterans come home from war with a keen sense of always having to have their guard up, carrying a weapon, sleeping with guns under the pillow and on and in the nightstand and being ready to protect themselves the way they were trained before and during deployment.
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